Ensure your device's bootloader is unlocked before rooting.
[ROOT REQUIRED] You can execute the command
zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_KALLSYMS
in the terminal to ensure your kernel supports the patch. If using ADB, first switch to terminal mode by enteringadb shell
.Click here to get the latest stable version of APatch Manager.
Extract the
from your ROM or from another source containing the stockboot.img
of your device. You will need it later for patching.Backup the
you extracted to a computer, USB drive, or another device. If any issues occur, you can flash your originalboot.img
via fastboot to recover your device from a dump.
Ensure to use the latest ADB and fastboot tools and have knowledge about them to proceed to the next step. If you haven't learned about them yet, we recommend researching to learn about them first.
APatch always patch the
of any device. Don't attempt to patch or flash theinit_boot
or other partition image files. The APatch developers aren't responsible for the failure of resulting patch and boot.Avoid using the
file that has been patched by other managers to avoid unexpected situations.
Install requirements
APatch installation requirements are mainly reflected in the kernel configuration. Here are the requirements of kernel:
CONFIG_KALLSYMS_ALL=n (Initial support)
You can execute the command zcat /proc/config.gz | grep -w CONFIG_KALLSYMS
in the terminal to ensure your kernel supports the patch (root required).
Only supports ARM64 architecture.
Only supports Android kernel versions 3.18 - 6.1.
There are several ways to patch APatch.
Automatically patching
Download the latest version of APatch Manager from GitHub.
Click on the button
at the top right corner, and click
Select a boot image to Patch
.Select your
.Set a SuperKey at "SuperKey" card. The SuperKey should be 8-63 characters long and include numbers and letters, but no special characters. It will be used later to unlock root privileges.
It's strictly prohibited to set weak keys like 12345678
. The latest versions of APatch require the use of strong keys.
- Click on "Start" and wait for a minute. After the patch is successful, the patched
path will be displayed. For example:/storage/emulated/0/Download/apatch_version_version_randomletter.img
Finally, you can Flash as needed.
Manually patching
When the KernelPatch is updated and APatch Manager remains unchanged, you can choose to manually patch the kernel.
You can go to KernelPatch project to get the latest KP
. Extract them into the same directory for use.Execute this command:
magiskboot.exe unpack boot.img
To unpack the boot.img
to get the kernel file. Rename the kernel to kernel-b. (kernel-b can be any third-party kernel, but third-party kernels come with no guarantees and won't be supported).
Windows users can patch using CMD
or PowerShell
Execute this command to patch:
kptools-x86_64-win.exe -p --image kernel-b --skey "YourKey" --kpimg kpimg-android --out kernel
Alternatively, it's recommended to use WSL
with Linux
for patching:
./kptools-linux -p --image kernel-b --skey "YourKey" --kpimg kpimg-android --out kernel
If no errors were reported during patching, execute this command:
magiskboot.exe repack boot.img
To pack and generate the image. The generated new-boot.img
is the patched image.
.Execute this command:
magiskboot unpack boot.img
To unpack the boot.img
to get the kernel file. Rename the kernel to kernel-b (Say again, kernel-b can be any third-party kernel, but third-party kernels come with no guarantees and won't be supported).
Execute this command to patch:
./kptools-linux -p --image kernel-b --skey "YourKey" --kpimg kpimg-android --out kernel
If no errors were reported during patching, execute this command:
magiskboot repack boot.img
To pack and generate the image. The generated new-boot.img
is the patched image.
You can also try online patching.
You can type the --help
parameter, that is, kptools --help
, to get all available parameters.
KP commands and comments:
You can click here to try it out.
-h, --help Print this message.
-v, --version Print version number. Print kpimg version if -k specified.
-p, --patch Patch or Update patch of kernel image(-i) with specified kpimg(-k) and superkey(-s).
-u, --unpatch Unpatch patched kernel image(-i).
-r, --reset-skey Reset superkey of patched image(-i).
-d, --dump Dump kallsyms infomations of kernel image(-i).
-l, --list Print all patch informations of kernel image if (-i) specified.
Print extra item informations if (-M) specified.
Print KernelPatch image informations if (-k) specified.
-i, --image PATH Kernel image path.
-k, --kpimg PATH KernelPatch image path.
-s, --skey KEY Set the superkey and save it directly in the boot.img.
-S, --root-skey KEY Set the root-superkey that uses hash verification, and the superkey can be changed dynamically.
-o, --out PATH Patched image path.
-a --addition KEY=VALUE Add additional information.
-K, --kpatch PATH Embed kpatch executable binary into patches.
-M, --embed-extra-path PATH Embed new extra item.
-E, --embeded-extra-name NAME Preserve and modifiy embedded extra item.
-T, --extra-type TYPE Set type of previous extra item.
-N, --extra-name NAME Set name of previous extra item.
-V, --extra-event EVENT Set trigger event of previous extra item.
-A, --extra-args ARGS Set arguments of previous extra item.
-D, --extra-detach Detach previous extra item from patches.
Using fastboot
Fastboot commands are convenient, stable, and easy to recover from in case of errors. We strongly recommend using this method to flash.
Connect your device using ADB
and execute the following command to enter the fastboot mode:
adb reboot bootloader
When entering fastboot mode, execute this command:
fastboot flash boot boot.img
If your device supports command fastboot boot
, you can use fastboot boot boot.img
command to boot the system before you flash the image. If any unexpected issues arise, simply restart the device, and it should boot correctly.
When complete, reboot your device:
fastboot reboot
Directly flashing
The latest version of APatch Manager supports directly flashing via third-party Recovery, such as TWRP.
Directly flashing was first introduced in version 10888
, and earlier versions of APatch Manager DO NOT support this method.
Change the APatch Manager file suffix from .apk
to .zip
. For example:
[username@localhost Demo] $ ls
[username@localhost Demo] $ mv APatch-10888-release.apk
[username@localhost Demo] $ ls
[username@localhost Demo] $
After doing this, you can flash this .zip
file via third-party Recovery's Flash function. APatch will be automatically installed, just like Magisk.
Just like the Flash function, the adb sideload
command used by Recovery provided by third-party AOSP-based ROMs is also supported.
Directly flashing DOES NOT support SuperKey customization! Instead, the SuperKey will be set to a random combination of numbers and letters. If you need to customize the SuperKey, go to APatch Manager after booting and repatch to reset it.
Automatically uninstall
Automatically uninstall was first introduced in version 10888
, and earlier versions of APatch Manager DO NOT support this method.
Change the APatch Manager file suffix from .apk
to .zip
and add modify file name to anything with uninstall
. For example:
[username@localhost Demo] $ ls
[username@localhost Demo] $ mv APatch-10888-release.apk
[username@localhost Demo] $ ls
[username@localhost Demo] $
After doing this, you can flash this .zip
file via third-party Recovery's Flash function. APatch will be automatically removed, just like Magisk.
Just like the Flash function, the adb sideload
command used by Recovery provided by third-party AOSP-based ROMs is also supported.
Manually uninstall
Flash your stock boot.img
in bootloader
fastboot flash boot PATH/TO/boot.img
DO NOT use init_boot